Sunday, September 11, 2016

Ideas for the height of harvest season

What week is it? Summer recently took a turn toward the crazy and then I got sick for three weeks and all but lost interest in anything except applesauce and here we are over a month since my last post. Illness or not, now is the time of year when I typically look back and wonder what happened during the past three months: May seems to be my last memory with everything since a fleeting blur. Suddenly I'm wearing a sweatshirt in the morning and the peppers and eggplants are rushing to create mature seeds before winter sets in. All the more for us to harvest! So in lieu of a new recipe (I have some that I will get around to posting later, but they aren't super relevant to what we're seeing in the CSA right now) I would like to offer some ideas for crops we are seeing a lot of or that may be particularly challenging. You can always use the search function at the top of the blog, too! This is not exhaustive!

Carrot coconut curry coup
Carrot miso soup 

Cucumber salad
Cucumber yogurt sauce
Refrigerator pickles (be aware - they're sweet!)

Daikon crust pizza (Sub the radishes for kohlrabi. Feel free to just dip in/top with marinara sauce instead of making pizza.)
Daikon salad/salsa (Sub the radishes for salad turnips.)

Ratatouille (Feel free to up the eggplant significantly!)

Refrigerator pickles (Disclaimer - mine are three days in and way too spicy. Results tba. You may consider removing some seeds/membranes, but this doesn't make them quite so quick and easy.)

New Zealand Spinach
Coconut curry
Sautéed (sub the spinach for the kale and decrease the cooking time)

Leek fritters
This looks fun! Haven't tried it!

Zucchini and Summer squash
Au gratin
Coconut curry (version 1) or Coconut curry (version 2)
Refrigerator pickles 
Zucchini crust pizza (Sub the squash for kohlrabi. Feel free to just dip in/top with marinara sauce instead of making pizza.)

And something that combines a little of everything that is not to be missed