Wednesday, July 8, 2015

CSA Week 6 - July 8th - daikon crust pizza, squash crust pizza, and cucumber salad

Last night I had completely hit a wall regarding what to do with this week's daikons. No sooner had I expressed this feeling, though, that Jonathan suggested pizza crust (like with kohlrabi).

I was skeptical. Rather, I could really have seen the result being really good or really bad. But I was completely up for experimentation.

In the end, the daikons totally worked, and even provided a little hint of spiciness that lent complexity to the pizza.

I also made a squash crust pizza (actually with one eight ball and one yellow squash since one of the pictured eight balls was rotten inside). I would speculate to say that the squash and daikon would be good mixed, too. Really, what can't be "crusted?"

Finally, I made another batch of cucumber salad, which is just so simple and wonderful.

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