Tuesday, June 2, 2015

CSA Week 1 - June 2nd - meatloaf with arugula mayonnaise and freezing greens

Today I blanched the kohlrabi and radish greens. I de-stemmed the kohlrabi leaves and put both in boiling water for about one minute. Then I plunged them into ice water.

 Into the freezer. 

For dinner I made pancetta meatloaf sandwiches with arugula mayonnaise. I subbed ground beef for the ground turkey since we have plenty of Greenacres grass-fed beef on hand.

I also subbed in the curly parsley from my CSA for the flat-leaf parsley the recipe calls. 

We also had small Caesar salads made from the remains of this week's salad mix. 

p.s. I'm not sure the beef substitution was quite as tasty as the turkey versions I've made previously. 

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