Sunday, June 14, 2015

CSA Week 2 - June 14th - kimchi update, freezing beets, and more kohlrabi pizza

We opened up the kimchi after about 24 hours to release any built up gas and check on its progress. Bubbles from fermentation had definitely been forming and it had great flavor already! It wasn't too salty (perfect, actually) and was pleasantly sweet (but not overly so). It was really everything I imagined it would be. We both agreed that it could ferment longer to let the flavors penetrate the veggies more and maybe give them a less raw texture. I also thought the sourness was a little weak so the kimchi went back in the closet for now.

Today's activities also included boiling (for 25 minutes), peeling quartering, and freezing the beets, generally following this process.

For dinner I made kohlrabi pizza again. Somehow both last week's and this week's CSA have given me exactly the amount of kohlrabi needed for this recipe. I topped the pizza with marinara, mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses, and sautéed red onion and red pepper that we had in the fridge. We had lettuce Cesar salad on the side. 

We shared dinner with Kevin, who brought me a copy of Betty Crocker's Cookbook (which I do not have!) from 1972!!

Finally, I would like to give a big shout out to our chest freezer hanging out in the garage. I would also like to give a shout out to Jonathan, who bought it as a birthday gift for me in 2011 (with Graeter's inside!). I can safely say that this project would be next to impossible without it (or him). 

Oh, CSA leftovers? Just a second, let me check. Oh that's right, there are NONE!

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