Monday, June 22, 2015

CSA Week 4 - June 22nd - roasted roots with curry

CSA Week 4 includes kale, cabbage, carrots, salad turnips, daikons, cucumbers, jalapenos, yellow squash, zucchini, eight ball squash, parsley, gold beets, red beets, basil, kohlrabi, and beans. I got even smarter this week and ditched the carrot tops and kohlrabi leaves in the compost pile at work before the veggies even made it into the car. Dave had the idea to weigh my share before I left. Take a guess and find out at the end of this post.

Jonathan was planning to grill Greenacres NY strip steak tonight so I took it as an excuse to make something simple.

I roasted some beets, almost all the carrots, and a couple turnips (I'd say I cut them all on the scant side of 1/2-inch square) at 400F for almost 35 minutes, stirring them at 20 minutes. The beets and carrots were amazing, but we both could have lived without the turnips. They were okay - just kind of mushy and turnip-y. But the beets! I also tasted a piece of raw red beet today at work today and it was super sweet!

I made a curry sauce by mixing sour cream and milk (I usually use yogurt for this concoction) with some curry powder and salt. A slice of Blue Oven Bad Boy rounded things out. The beets made the curry sauce magenta, which was fun.

CSA Week 4 weighed 16 pounds (without the extra baking squash option).

1 comment:

  1. This week's veggie picture is just gorgeous (the top one).
